Thursday, June 6, 2013


It's pouring rain today, not enough boy toys, and way too little caffeine for Sassy.  Having my mutts boys for some visiting and babysitting.  It's a delicious mixture of Heaven and Hell, can I just say?  Well, dang!  It is.

Honestly, sweet Jesus! I just don't know what to do with them.  I never had brothers or sons, certainly never climbers.  I hate heights and have nightmares someone is throwing me off a bridge  six out of seven nights a week.  Granted, it's usually after watching Criminal Minds.  But, still....

Only now, in the ebb tide of my life, am I blessed with these Lambs of Jesus.  Writing and painting, well, I can forget it --they want no part of my pleasures.  They want me on the damn floor, rolling the ball, chasing them, pulling them off the tables, chairs, sinks and out of my dryer.  On top of that, the youngest little mutt - Whit - started walking and he's not even a year old.   I wanted to knock him down but his mother was watching me.

We are a new generation it seems, unlike our own parents.  Certainly, my parents!  I've repurchased car seats (expensive suckers), cribs (ditto), layettes, clothes, toys, bottles, diapers and monitors: full circle.  And so, as I create, borrow and steal ideas for entertaining, educating, or just plain handling my own poodles and mutts, I will share the same with you. 

One of my dearest friends --who wishes to remain nameless -- gave her suggestions.  I'm posting for anyone lucky enough to have some of these rascals running around their own house.

This is just the beginning. You just have to wear him out and keep him outside. Give him the hose or a sprinkler. Get him a truck and walk with him as he will push it up and down the street.

Move anything breakable you treasure out of sight. His curiosity will get the best of him,  he doesn’t want to break it,  he just has to mess with things.

Boys get busier and busier and just can’t sit still

Build forts inside with sheets, get him a flashlight, lots of legos, but that’s about it.

They just have to be moving all the time and their minds are conjuring up what they can create: potato guns, bombs, etc.

Lots of sports, etc. You just have to wear them out physically.

I didn’t ever read a book till the boys were in college, I don’t think!!!!

It’s just so different, but they are so sweet and no drama and love their mamas – think dirt and noise.


My first thought, after her wonderful email.  Honestly!
"Ain't nobody got time for that!"



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